
Buyer with multiple requirements

Today had a conversation with an Indian buyer regarding one of his inquiries regarding tower crane that he has placed online. At first the details that he provided online seemed like an inquiry for used self erecting tower cranes but what actually he was looking for was luffing crane, external tower crane and internal tower crane.  He asked for around 3 quotations at the same time, 5 for external tower crane, 5 for internal tower crane and one for luffing crane.  Once we have received the detailed specification of the tower cranes he was requiring we forwarded the details to our factory to see whether we possess the manufacturing ability of that particular specification.

After talking to our representatives at our factory we came to knew that we can full fill all the specifications except the desired height of the buyer. The solution he proposed in this regard was by adding mass sections to the tower crane through which the desired height mentioned by the buyer could be achieved.  The buyer also had a requirement for used mobile tower cranes, but as we do not deal in that particular category so we did not took much interest in that particular query of his. 

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